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Safer Spaces Policy


Grand Rapids Zine Fest is organized to create and uphold a space that is not ruled by commercial interests or publishing giants. We do not support sexism, racism, Zionism, colonialism, anti-LGBTQIA beliefs, ageism, ableism, religious discrimination, classism, and so on. This includes zine content, “jokes,” and actions. GRZF is a collectively shared space wherein all people involved are respected and cared for. GRZF will not tolerate zinesters, zines, or attendees who promote what we are working against. Zines are not apolitical, and neither is GRZF.


We try our best to keep this event fun and stress-free for all, and we appreciate your willingness to support each other. Please let us know right away if there is something we can assist you with.


Our safer spaces policy is not a guarantee of a perfect space; it's a commitment towards a safer one. Thank you for helping GRZF be a welcoming, caring space.



©2024 by Grand Rapids Zine Fest. Proudly created with

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